

I'm such a fool for you

Linger by The Cranberries

Been long since the last post. I guess, school and many other things made me THIS busy. It's 8:56am. It's tuesday. I'm supposed to be back at home. But, no. Sad reality is. I'm here at the library. Trying hard to be Productive and kind of failing at it. I've got so many things to write about.

I just don't know where to begin or what exactly to say. what a scatterbrain Anyway, Friday went well I guess. I mean, 3 hours of test was awesome tiring. After the test, I got all brain-drained that I just wanted to sleep. WHICH I DID by the way.

Saturday was uneventful. Mom, kaye and I just went to Greenhills then to megamall then to greenhills AGAIN. I've pictures. But, they're still in my phone. Haven't transferred to computer. Will upload soon.

Sunday. AHH. This is the BOMB. We went to jog in UP. Mom woke me up at 8 just to get going. I was done running already. I was just walking to cool down when I tripped. GUH. I sprained my left foot. It's just not fun. What an accident prone girl. *Facepalm*

So, to cut the story short I am limping since then. GOOD THING, it's quite better now. I'm just tired. And confused. So much emotions. But the one distinct emotion. I don't know. Let's just say that the title of this entry STANDS TRUE.


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