

Yes I would die for you, Baby. But, you won't do the same

I would go through this pain.
Take a bullet straight to my brain
Yes, I would die for you, Baby
But, you won't the same

Grenade by Bruno Mars

This blog is barely alive. Been a really really really really long time since the last entry. I guess that's how busy I got with school and things are also related to school. So many things happened and are still happening as of the moment. I don't even know where to begin.

Hmmm. Let's start with Math. I've always loved math. Back in High school, as if it was a long time ago already, I didn't study like I crazily and abnormally now. I used to just listen to the teacher, take down notes and practice. Well, that study habit for Math didn't help me. I just had to go get another math book in the library and just learn from it as well. I guess, it paid off. All those days I had to carry with me those heavy hard bound text books, all those quality time with Rizal and all those money spent for a hundred and thirty peso cup of coffee were time, effort and money well spent. I never liked bragging. But really, getting a good grade in a math midterms FEELS like WOAH. @-) That's one good thing going on for me.

Well, if you think everything go better since math midterms was over. NO. IT WAS JUST THE BEGINNING. We had our first Chem lab exam last last tuesday, January 25, 2011. IT WAS THE MOST ahsdkgjahlsjk;fsflfhajkdmfla;ldqefw;q TEST I HAVE EVER HAD SO FAR. I've never felt so drained after that test. But, at least that was over. What's the worst thing that could happen right?

OOOHH. I got sprained. and then got sprained again. Went to dance for a dancesports competition so that I could get all A's in 2 practical tests and the midterms. Talk about getting off on the wrong foot. How I sprained my foot? I think it's too stupid to be written down in this blog entry. Yup, it was that STUPID. At least, it's all better now. I swear, my being an accident prone and involved in so many injuries made my body mutate and I, now, heal faster. some kind of 'werewolf' thing I watch on TV. ahahahahaha. crazy me. S'long as I'm better now, I'm good. THAT'S WHAT'S IMPORTANT. ahihihihihihi.

I guess, this is where I write down what happened today. Hmmm. Went to school like I normally do. Early in the morning. But, I decided to pick up a non-fat caramel macchiato from the Starbucks franchise across school. Made my day. hihihihi. I just love drinking coffee in the morning. It's not really healthy. But, it gives me the homy, cozy feeling. Like I'm drinking happiness from a paper cup of coffee.

English. Professor made us write down a mind map. One that'll be the basis for our reflection paper. Golly, I never liked exposing the vulnerable=emotional me. But hey, writing down the concept map made me go against this. I really don't know why. It just seemed right. It felt right. Maybe because professor said that writing your thoughts out helps you in some way, like it's some kind of therapy, a healing. Maybe I need healing. Hmmm, prolly write about 'this' in another post.

Anyway, I went to campaign at 8:30. Cate and I went to visit block MM at Faura AVR. They were having their prayer session. We had like a good 15 minutes to talk about our campaign. Yup, campaigning's a big part of my to do this in the coming weeks. I'm running for a higher position this Sanggunian elections. I'm running for SOSE Sophomore Exec. Officer. If ever, you, yes, the person reading this is a freshman from SOSE, DO VOTE FOR ME! ahihihihi. Visit our, Cate, my running mate, fanpage here

Anyway, Lit went well. I know I should be listening to professor discuss the difference between tragedy and comedy. I DID. It's just that I also listened to BEA while I was listening to him. AHAHAHHAA, might have been the coffee kicking it. I got oh-so-restless.

I went to campaign again after Lit. This time it was with X1. hihihihihi. I'm meeting so many new people because of this elections. I'm NOT complaining. I'm actually so happy with it. And I type this without any sarcasm in heart. I'm just happy. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Body tags came out today. People actually wear our faces around. haahahaha.

A Sanggunian that Listens, CATErs to your needs and TINks about you.

OKAY. enough with POLITICS. Went to the ID design up in Gonzaga. The stuff there were pretty cool. hihihihi. We went there. So many iMAC there. Alessi was so @-) by the number of iMac there. AHAHAHHAA. We also got stickers. AHAHAHAH. The trip up there was fun. I mean, I didn't stay long. But, really. I love the view from up there. I know I have picture. I just don't know where it is now.

I bought Meringue with Chocolate inside or Schuemli as the Swiss call it. The Kythe Bazaar in the Zen garden had this stall called Giger. (also called Nostalgia across Xavier School's Gate 10. for those familiar with ICA-XS) THEY WERE SO GOOD. I keep coming back for them since monday. Too bad the bazaar ended today.

Hmmm. went to albert's after. THE EPIC KINNECT. THE RUNNING. THE LUNCH. Guuuh. I don't think my 'normal' life will be normal withOUT them. THE GANG IS OZUUUUUM. 'nuf said.

Went back to ateneo for MATH. SHE GAVE US A QUIZ. Well, we all thought it was a quiz. Until after the test when she told us it was only a seatwork. gosh, it was sasbald;.SAsFHdgkvjshldf;'bgwq. Nevermind. Hmmm. IT'S a friday night. MY favorite TIME of the WEEK.

A bonus is that, AC, burned me a CD of movies I've yet to watch.
So yeah, I'm ending this entry and pressing play to watch those movies. <3


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