

You're amazing just the way you are

Just the Way You are by Bruno Mars

In less than an hour, it'll be 8th of May and it'll be mother's day. Just like every year, people take this day as an opportunity to shower their mother so much love. So, here I am, taking this opportunity, joining the mother's day bandwagon and writing my thoughts out once again. This time, it'll be about my mom. So here it goes.

FUN FACT. mom's birthday is a day after mine. when i turned 18 she turned 50. :D

No words can ever perfectly encapsulate my mother. She's soft spoken but opinionated. She's modest and humble and yet takes pride in things she finds worth being proud of. She's strict yet compassionate. You see, she's not the one-thing-or-the-other type of person. As you get to know her, you'll find it more difficult to describe her. A lot of people know her but. not really.

When I was a kid, I remember waiting for her call during her lunch break. Telling her stories of my food which she cooked Then she'd end the phone call reminding me to take my afternoon nap. Yeah, oh joy NOT Then, when my nap's done HAHAHAHAHAHA I'd ask the maid if mom called already. Most of the time, mom hasn't called yet. So I'd wait for her call. This call's special. It's the last call for the day. To my 3 year old self, this meant I can tell her what I want as a pasalubong. Often times, I tell her I want smarteys, slurpee and other sweet things. True enough, she comes home with a sweet treat for me and my sister. We didn't always get what we told her we wanted. Most of the time she'd bring home something else. We loved it just the same.

This explains our relationship. My mom never spoiled me nor did she spoil my sister. She didn't just give us what we want. She made sure that we learn the value of simplicity. That what makes you happy does not necessarily have to be what you want. To this, I will forever be grateful to her.

Just some background story, my mom's working. So when I was a kid, I'd wake up while she was dressing up for work. Then when she leaves, I'd cry so hard so she'd go back. And you know what? She did come back. Every single time. Mom was and will always be there for me. She knows me up until the core. Even when I smile my teeth out, she knows that deep within, I am crushed and pushed to my limit. Then she hugs me and everything feels better. She knows me more than I know myself. She was and will be always there for me. She saw me cry, she saw me laugh my heart out, yes i know, she saw me 'fall in love' but most of all she saw me dream and grow. She was with me in everything that I did. Every ballet show, every performance, every project, and yes, even during entrance exams. She made sure that I felt secure and safe and 'loved'. She was always there. And this is why I love her so much. She never left me and I know she never will.

Of course, it's not always rainbows and butterflies... ours is not a perfect relationship. but, it's perfect fit for us. Our first disagreement happened when I was a few weeks old. You see, I was born in June, not exactly the coldest month and even if it were cold in the Philippines, it wouldn't be cold enough for a few week old baby, dressed with bonnet and mittens to tolerate the heat. As it was uncomfortable, I was squirming out of those clothes. HAHAHA. Mom still recalls this story and tells me this in a way that I feel even more loved. Then came chips ahoy. I was 2 and half and it happened on one of those subic trips. I allegedly threw a tantrum and slapped away the chips ahoy mom was trying to feed me.

so from the first picture, the second picture happened. HAHAHAHA. As the years passed by, we had more things to 'settle' and 'discuss'. Don't take me wrong, it's not an issue. Mom is very open with talking. She believes in the power of democracy and effective communication. I try imagining myself in her shoes. And I don't think I could even do half the good job that she does. She's a wise woman who has a big heart. When she loves someone, she loves with all that she can. I am so lucky to be her daughter, so lucky that I can experience that kind of love from her.

There are so many things left unsaid about mommy. But, telling you, or rather writing everything here won't do justice to how amazing she is. She's everything I want to be in the future. A person with so much principle yet so much compassion in her heart. One who's brave yet frail at the same time. One who's perfectly imperfect. One who doesn't use her achievements for her own benefit. My mom, she's a fighter, a damn good one at that. She's passionate. She's funny and scary at the same time. She has a way into doing things. She's got a contagious laugh. And she loves me. Thank you for everything mom. You may not get to read this but, it does not matter. The world needs to know that you're amazing just the way you are.



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