

You'll Never Get to Heaven If You Break My Heart

So be very careful not to make a scar;
You'll never get to heaven if you...

You'll never get to Heaven by Dionne Warwick

So true. For once, the title of this song is kind of related to the context of my entry. Today's the eleventh of February. 3 days before the overrated and I this because it has become an excuse for entrepreneurs to earn extra bucks from overpriced and overrated roses and chocolates and not because I am bitter about love valentine's day. People are in a funny mood, passionate at that. Well, passionate goes both ways. The positive and the negative. It's like having everyone have this bipolarism.

Okay, I just deleted an entire paragraph of my rantings about bipolarims. I'll save my thoughts on the matter for another entry. For now, I'd like to 'discuss' love.

Last night, some of my friends and I went to watch the play, staged by Ateneo's Blue Repertoire, entitled "Stages of Love". I really didn't plan on watching. I just had a friend to told me to "think wisely, think romantically" about it. [hahaha, if you see this, TDH.] So, I just ended up buying a ticket for myself yesterday, hours before the show. To cut the story short, I thought I'd watch yet another play that would be of love and make feel all "kilig to the bones" and be even more of the hopeless romantic that I already am. golly, I was wrong.


Stages of Love. The entire show was funny. I didn't know whether to laugh, cry or just get all "kilig to the bones". No matter how hard and detailed I describe each scene, it wouldn't justify the 'magic' I saw last night. I admit, I've been feeling empty lately. I was even telling a friend that maybe I find love overrated and pointless. But last night, all the emotions in the world were swellin' up in my heart. Hence, the confuzzlement as to what to do - cry, laugh, blush

Anyway, I guess, what amazed me the most was the fact that WISE words were coming out of the play. From the characters, the songs that were sung. Everything just made me realize a lot of things. Although enlightened, my views on Valentine's being a day of income for many entrepreneurs are unchanged. I still have my beliefs with me.

It's just that after the play, love had a funny ring to it when said. But then, I remembered the conversation that I had with a great of mine, Gillian. She said that "you're just single. you're not alone." Coming from Gillian, those were are EPIC. She never says things about love. So, yeah. HAHAHHA.

This entry has gone to so many topics not related to what I originally planned. Hmmm, but. I like how this turned out to be. Lately, I enjoy typing my thoughts out. It helps be be more balanced. Keeps me sane.

I shall share a video that my blockmate, Karl showed me yesterday before watching that play.

"Eight years ago, I gave you my hand to hold. Today, I give you my life to keep."



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